It was only some years after the termination of the war that substantial donations started coming. Mrs. KC Roy of Ranchi donated Rs.25,000 to perpetuate the memory of her deceased husband. Srimat Swami Vishuddhanandaji Maharaj, the then Vice-President of the Ramakrishna Order, laid the foundation-stone of the Sanatorium in 1948. Capital grants of Rs.100,000 and Rs.50,000 were then received from the Government of India and the state government of Bihar respectively. With the help of this it was possible to give the Sanatorium a concrete shape and on 27 January 1951, the Sanatorium was formally declared open by Dr Anugrah Narain Sinha, the then Hon'ble Finance Minister of the Government of Bihar.
The climatic condition of Ranchi is very healthy as endorsed by the experts in the feild. It has been a practice since long time that people suffering from different physical ailments would come to Ranchi for recuperation. In this scenario, Tuberculosis experts who have visited the Sanatorium have highly appreciated and admired the excellent ambience and healthy atmosphere of the place.
In the initial stage the Sanatorium had only 32 beds, insufficient living quarters, a small laboratory, scanty arrangement of water supply, a power house, 100 mili ampere X-Ray plant, a few surgical instruments, a dispensary and a Tuberculosis specialist. With this meager infrastructure the Sanatorium made a humble beginning.
While the scheme was in the process of being implemented, it was proposed to have a 60 bed-Sanatorium with a small After-Care Colony and a smaller infirmary attached to it, so that service to the Tuberculosis Patients could be rendered on a fairly comprehensive basis. But financial stringency stood in the way of giving effect to the scheme.
Since then, Sanatorium has developed into an excellent full-fledged 350 bedded TB Hospital. (Since early 90s due to the introduction of DOTS system all over the country, gradually the number of indoor TB Patients decreased drastically. But at present we have about 220 IPD Patients admitted).