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Welcome to Ramakrishna Mission TB Sanatorium

Brief From History

The Ramakrishna Mission Sanatorium, Ranchi, an affiliated branch centre of the Ramakrishna Mission, is a premier institution in Eastern India. Spread over an area of 285 acres of land, it is situated rurally in the Ranchi district of the state of Jharkhand. This centre has been serving to cater to the medical needs of poor, the sick, the destitute, particularly the tribal, the scheduled caste and other backward classes of people patients suffering from the dreaded disease Tuberculosis, for more than six decades. As there was hardly any scope for the treatment of TB patients in our country, the Ramakrishna Mission undertook the noble initiative in setting up this TB Sanatorium in the year 1951 with the initiative of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of Republic India. By the relentless efforts of Swami Vedantanandaji and Swami Atmasthanandaji and many other pioneering monks of the Ramakrishna Order, the centre grew within a few years into a full-fledged TB Sanatorium.

For the last one year, the Mission has opened its doors to patients suffering from other diseases too. Keeping in mind the population explosion and the need of the people, the Ramakrishna Mission has resolved to convert this sanatorium into a full-fledged hospital along with other activities to give relief to patients suffering from all kinds of diseases.

Concept of Sanatorium & Method of treatment for Tuberculosis :

Since its inception the institution has been serving tuberculosis patients from all across the country. The method of treatment here at the Sanatorium is based on Anti-tuberculosis treatment (ATT) which includes ensuring proper and weight-related drug intake to avoid multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB), daily monitoring of all physical & bio-chemical parameters to exclude side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs (ATD) as well as ensuring their effectiveness for each patient, balanced nutritious food & diet individually tailored for each patient. The sanatorium acted as the only asylum for the tuberculosis patients kept segregated in order to protect the society from being infected. The patients suffering from TB are being provided the residential & radical treatment for a period of six months with utmost care and sincerity along with nutritious food and diet in the pollution free, serene and cheerful ambience of the Sanatorium at totally free of cost.